3rd Symposium tribute to Maxime Dahan

The new edition of the Maxime Dahan tribute symposium will take place on December 14-15, 2023 at the Research Center of the Institut Curie, in Paris. The theme of the symposium will be “Manipulation of cellular organization by optogenetics and magnetogenetics”.
With an ever growing set of tools and techniques to visualize cellular and sub-cellular organization, microscopy is broadly used to decipher how cells function. However, in addition to passive observation, two techniques –optogenetics and magnetogenetics– offer unique possibilities to directly perturb and control this organization using light and magnetism, yielding opportunities to study cell biology from a radically different perspective.
Maxime Dahan was a pioneer in the development and application of optogenetics and magnetogenetics. This 3rd symposium in his memory will bring together scientists from diverse disciplines to share their work and continue his legacy in this exciting field.
The symposium will be the occasion to deliver the Maxime Dahan Prize for Innovation in Methods and Instrumentation at the Interface of Physics, Biology & Medicine.
The subscription is free but mandatory.
Sponsors :
Institut Curie, PSL Qlife, LabEx Cell(n)Scale, LabEx DEEP, EMBO, FRANCE-BIOIMAGING, GDR ImaBio