
Five teams from the LabEx Cell(n)Scale are able to host Ukranian researchers, find here a description of their work
Contact : aide.ukraine.cdr@curie.fr
Carsten Janke – Team “Controlling Microtubule Dynamics and Function with the tubulin code”
Our lab is exploring the regulation of the microtubule cytoskeleton. We focus on molecular mechanisms referred to as the 'tubulin code', which are expected to regulate the behavior of microtubules in cells, thereby adapting them to different functions. Our expertise reaches from single-molecule experiments over cell biology to whole-organism studies.
More details https://institut-curie.org/team/janke
Our lab could host 1-2 researchers or students from Ukraine right now.
We are also currently recruiting a research technician, and we would be happy to consider applications from Ukraine: https://institut-curie.org/offre-emploi/assistant-engineer-research-engineer-laboratory-animal-experimentation-mf
Patricia Bassereau – Team “Membranes and cellular functions”
Lipid membranes exhibit non-trivial properties especially at length scales larger than protein molecular sizes. A purely molecular description of membranes is insufficient to arrive at a quantitative understanding of their functions and require meso-scale concepts coming from soft matter and statistical physics.
More details https://institut-curie.org/team/bassereau
Anne Houdusse – Team “Structural motility”
In the human body, the coordinated movements and trafficking of cellular components are essential to the cell function, division and survival. Within the cell, the movements of large macromolecules, vesicles and organelles cannot rely upon simple diffusion, but instead biological motor proteins have evolved to enable directed and rapid movements and trafficking.
More details https://institut-curie.org/team/houdusse
Leïla Perié – Team “Quantitative Immuno-hematology”
Our research interest lies in understanding quantitatively how hematopoiesis functions during homeostasis, ageing and infection. To untangle this question, we combine experimental and computational approaches at the single cell level both in mouse and human.
More details https://institut-curie.org/team/perie
Pierre Sens – Team Physical approach of biological problems”
Cell biology and soft matter physics both share similar orders of magnitude with two important differences: biological systems are clearly out of equilibrium and molecular specificity can be strongly relevant. We are using the standard tools of soft matter physics to provide a quantitative description of cellular systems. Drawing inspiration from living systems, we are raising new and challenging physical questions. This project only makes sense with strong interactions with biologists.
More details https://institut-curie.org/team/sens