Partner Institutes
The LabEx is headed by two Scientific Coordinators:
- Bruno Goud - LabEx Co-Coordinator, UMR144, team leader Molecular Mechanisms of Intracellular Transport, coordinator of the Qlife Institut of Convergence.
- Pascal Hersen - LabEx Co-Coordinator, Director UMR168 - Physico Chemistry Laboratory, team leader Dynamic Control of Signaling and Gene Expression
LabEx Office
- Melissa Dewulf - LabEx Manager
- Shauna Katz - Tech transfer & Science Coordinator
- Aïda Shams - Communication and event organization
Steering Committee (SC)
The LabEx SC meets every 3 months to support the Scientific Coordinators in designing the LabEx funding programs, reviewing the grants, fellowships and equipment to be funded by the LabEx, and monitoring the achievement of the LabEx objectives. It is renewed by half every 2 years.
- Bruno Goud - LabEx Co-Coordinator, team leader Molecular Mechanisms of Intracellular Transport, UMR144
- Pascal Hersen - LabEx Co-Coordinator, team leader Dynamic Control of Signaling and Gene Expression, Director UMR168 Physico Chemistry Laboratory
- Melissa Dewulf - LabEx Manager
- Shauna Katz - Tech transfer & Science Coordinator
- Patricia Bassereau - Team leader Membranes and Cellular Functions, UMR168
- Philippe Chavrier - Team leader Membrane and Cytoskeleton Dynamics, UMR144
- Léïla Perié - Team leader Quantitative Immuno-Hematology, UMR168
- Bassam Hajj - Co-team leader team Coppey/Hajj Light-based Observation and Control of Cellular Organization (LOCCO), UMR168
- Carsten Janke - Team leader Regulation of microtubule dynamics and functions, UMR3348
- Cédric Blouin - Researcher Team Lamaze Membrane mechanics and dynamics of intracellular dynamics, UMR3666/U1143
- Olena Pylypenko - Researcher Team Houdusse Structural motility, UMR144
- Thomas Risler - Researcher Team Sens Physical approach of biological problems, UMR168
- Véronique Marthiens - Researcher Team Basto Biology of centrosomes and genetic instability, UMR144
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
The international SAB is an independent consultative body composed of 5 renowned scientists external to the LabEx. The SAB discusses annually to evaluate the latest scientific results and provide advice and guidance for new scientific directions.
Pr. Marileen Dogterom - Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Pr. Marcos Gaitan Gonzales - Faculty of Sciences University of Geneva Switzerland
Pr. Paul Janmey - Institute for Medicine & Engineering University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA
Pr. Kai Johnsson - Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Dept Chemical Biology Heidelberg, Germany
Pr. Maria Garcia-Parajo - ICREA Research Professor, ICFO-Institute of Photonic Sciences Barcelona, Spain