Groundbreaking projects

LabEx Cell(n)Scale call
for groundbreaking projects 2021
The Labex Cell(n)Scale announces the launch of its new call for collaborative and high risk-high gain research. The goal is to select truly innovative projects which go well beyond the current state of the art, would be difficult to fund through conventional grants and have the potential to reinforce the Institut Curie’s position at the forefront of groundbreaking interdisciplinary research.
The Labex will fund up to 3 projects for the period 2021-2024 with supporting grants of 200k€.
Conditions to apply:
- The project must be carried out by at minimum 3 teams from at least 2 different units of the Labex (UMR144, UMR168, UMR3666, UMR3347, UMR3348, UMR7083-ESPCI Gulliver)
- The project must represent a new effort for the participants and should not simply constitute an extension of on-going research
- Each researcher can apply for only one project
Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Interdisciplinarity
- Innovative nature of the project
- High risk nature of the project
- Potential to find other financing following the project duration
- any researcher holding a permanent position can apply and in particular, young researchers are highly encouraged to apply
- No preliminary data are needed
- All types of expenses are eligible for funding (equipment, salaries, travel, consumables, etc)
- External collaborators can be associated to the project but will not be funded
March 2021: launch of the call
October 1st, 2021: deadline for application
November 2021: selection of funded projects by an external committee
December 2021 - January 2022: Starting date for selected projects
Project will be running until December 2024
Note that applicants may be requested to give a project presentation to the reviewing committee at the Institut Curie in November 2021
To apply, send your project (using the attached template) in 1 file in pdf format to by October 1st 2021.
If you have any question about the call, please contact us: