Other opportunities
The LabEx Cell(n)Scale also offers several other opportunities to support research, training and dissemination in its scientific domains. Those are managed upon request to the LabEx Manager.

- Publication fees. The LabEx Cell(n)Scale offers 1k€ grants to support publications fees for publications on interdisciplinary topics gathering several LabEx teams. Requests should mention the teams involved (it is required that at least two teams from the labex are involved), the journal to which the publication was accepted and the related fees, and include the publication itself. Supported publications should acknowledge the LabEx.
- Sponsoring of scientific events. The LabEx Cell(n)Scale offers occasional support for scientific meetings organized by LabEx members on interdisciplinary scientific topics included in the objectives of Cell(n)Scale. Sponsoring requests should include a short paragraph introducing the meeting and explaining how it falls into the LabEx scientific objectives, the program of the event including dates, location and list of invited speakers, its detailed budget and the expected number of participants. Sponsored events will include the LabEx logo on their communication materials.
- Cofunding of large equipment acquisition. The LabEx Cell(n)Scale offers occasional cofounding for ambitious equipment acquisitions (eg. DIM, IDF Sesame, IBISA…). Requests for cofounding will be evaluated based on their lever effect, the integration of the proposed acquisition into the LabEx scientific project and the number of LabEx teams interested by the acquisition.
- Transfer grants. The purpose of Transfer grants is to encourage technology transfer initiatives within the teams of the LabEx by providing a small amount of financial support (5-10k€) as well as logistical support from the Science & Tech Transfer Coordinator (Shauna Katz – help in writing of declaration of inventions, PoC and prematuration grants and linking with the DVPI) to advance specific experiments and enable the generation of data necessary for the evolution of the technology transfer readiness level of the project and the obtention of further funding. Project leaders will be asked to present the progress of their project at a LabEx seminar one year after its start.
- LabEx Cell(n)Scale Visiting Professors. The visiting professor funding allows outstanding scientists in the research fields covered by the LabEx to come to one of the LabEx teams for a short period, with the objective to start new international interdisciplinary collaborations in the frame of the LabEx scientific project.