International courses

Multiscale integration in Biological Systems
Next (4th) edition: Nov 4-10th 2020 (cancelled)
Objectives. One of the fundamental issues in biology is the understanding of the relationship between the multiple spatial and temporal scales observed in a biological system. From molecules to a cellular function, from a collection of cells to an organism, or from individuals to a population, the complex interactions between singular elements can give rise to “emergent” properties at the ensemble level. To what extent can the spatial and temporal order seen at the system level be explained by subscale properties?
More information and videos on the Training Unit website and the IC website.
Cell Biology and Cancer
Last (3rd) edition: April 6-10th 2020 (cancelled)
Objectives. The general objective of 3rd Cell biology and Cancer course is to cover different topics in cell biology and cancer cell biology including cell and tissue growth, cell signaling, cell division, cell and tissue organization at different levels: molecular, cellular and in the living organism. In addition, we will have a session dedicated to Physics of tissues.
The 2020 edition will cover tissue and cell size homeostasis and cell growth regulation.
More information on the Training Unit website.
Last (9th) edition: April 19-26th 2017 (replaced by the Cell Biology & Cancer course since 2018)
Objectives. The 9th Edition of the Cytoskeleton course will focus on 3D systems and will be divided in two parts:
- 1st part will follow the spirit of the cytoskeleton course in the previous years: during the day we will have local speakers that will give 1h talks mixed of text book information and on-going research in their labs. In the evenings the students will present their work in 10-15 min in closed environment. On Saturday, there will be career development workshop.
- 2nd part will follow the spirit of the Labex CelTisPhyBio course: international invited speakers will give 1-2h research seminar talks. In addition, there will be a number of short talks selected from abstracts.
More information on the Training Unit website.