Postdoctoral grants
Eligibility criteria:
- Host laboratory needs to be a member of the LabEx Cell(n)Scale
- Positions are open to all nationalities
- Applicants cannot have benefited from previous postdoctoral grants in the LabEx
Evaluation of applications are made by the LabEx steering committee based on the following criteria:
- Quality of the research project: integration of the research project in the LabEx scientific project and expected outcomes
- Interdisciplinarity: priority will be given to research proposals at the interface between biology, physics and/or chemistry
- Quality of previous work: applicants will be judged on their publications records and are supposed to be eligible for other fellowships at the end of the LabEx grant (only for new comers, not for contract extension)
Applications must comprise (in the enclosed application form)
- Agreement of the hosting team leader to receive the applicant including starting dates (only for new comers, not for contract extension) or a letter of support from the host team leader
- Résumé (CV) including publications of the applicant
- Applicant motivation letter
- Brief description of the research project to be conducted during the fellowship (maximum 2 pages)
- At least one letter of recommendation (only for new comers, not for contract extension)
LabEx postdoctoral fellows since 2012
Koyomi Nakazawa |
Hsiang-Ying Chen |
Magda Cannata Serio |
Postdoctoral fellow 2023 (extension), Team Lévy (UMR168), Organisation spatiale et fonctionnelle des septines et des ESCRTs | Postdoctoral fellow 2023 (extension), Team Silberzan (UMR168), Myoblasts mound formation on defect topography | Postdoctoral fellow 2023 (extension), Team Perez (UMR144),Translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum: when better is worst | |
Marusa Lampic |
Raju Regmi |
Mirna Elizabetha Kramar |
Federica Scotto di Carlo |
Postdoctoral fellow 2020-2021, Team Baffet / Goud (UMR168), Investigating the role of ECM secretion for regulation of brain size using in vitro-derived human cerebral organoids
Postdoctoral fellow 2021-2020, Team Bassereau (UMR168), A biophysical investigation of the duality in Fas receptor | Postdoctoral fellow 2021-2020, Team Coppey/Hajj (UMR168), Quantification of information flow in the MAPK signalling pathway | Postdoctoral fellow 2023, Team Basto (UMR144), Exploring the effect of Profilin 1 loss on cell cycle regulation and maintenance of genome stability |
Carlos Perez
Postdoctoral fellow 2020, Team Lévy (UMR168) Membrane remodeling at subnanometric scales using cryo-electron tomography (Cryo-ET) | Postdoctoral fellow 2019-2020, Team Vignjevic (UMR144) Uncovering the mechanical cues behind cancer cell plasticity | Postdoctoral fellow 2019-2020, Team Perié (UMR168) Simultaneous tracking of cell divisions, lineages and differentiation outcomes in single hematopoietic stem cells | Postdoctoral fellow 2019, Team Basto (UMR144) Investigating the link between centrosome number alterations and response to chemotherapy in human Epitelial Ovarian Cancers (hEOCs) |
Thanh Nguyen
Postdoctoral fellow 2019, Team Farge (UMR168) Magnetic targeting and ultrasonic release of the inhibitors of the mice colon mechanotransductive tumorigenic pathways in vivo | Postdoctoral fellow 2018-2019, Team Silberzan (UMR168) Impact of the nematic organization of fibroblasts on their coexistence with populations of cancer cells. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2018-2019, Team Goud (UMR144) RAB6 GTP-ase in polarized secretion. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2019, Team Joanny/Sens (UMR168) Variation of the cell volume induced by ablation of the centrosome. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2019, Team Bassereau (UMR168) Measuring forces between membrane proteins with DNA-ForceSensor. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2018-2019, Team Basto (UMR144) Unravelling the contribution of Cep89 to human ovarian cancers. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2019, Team Dahan (UMR168) Single cells process signals of polarity during their migration. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2019, Team Dahan (UMR168) Probing chromosome mechanics and organization with intra-nuclear magnetic manipulation. |
Jose Ignacio
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2018, Team Perez (UMR144) Targeting the intracellular trafficking of Epha2 and Ephrina1 during carcinogenesis. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2018, Team Raposo (UMR144) Mechano-sensing role of caveolae in the skin. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2018, Team Houdusse (UMR144) Mechanics of Myo6: regulation and function. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2018, Team Johannes (UMR3666/U1143) Monofunctionalized DNA nanodevices to probe clathrin independent endocytosis. |
Sonia Aguera Gonzalez |
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2018, Team Janke (UMR3348) Control of ciliary stability and functions by tubulin glycylation – mechanisms and physiological implications. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2018, Team Chavrier (UMR144)
Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2017, Team Bassereau (UMR168) A new function for caveolin in the active transport of sphingolipids to the plasma membrane – role in pathophysiology. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2017, Team Sykes (UMR168) Role of acto‐myosin based force production in cell invasion in Caenorhabditis elegans. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2017, Team Tran/Paoletti (UMR144) Kinesin‐5 dependent and independent mechanisms for spindle assembly. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2017, Team Tran/Paoletti (UMR144) The role of spindle scaling in chromosome segregation. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016, Team Janke (UMR3348) Modelling the molecular components of the tubulin code. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2017, Team Raposo (UMR144) High Space-time resolution correlative light and electron microscopy. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016, Team Houdusse (UMR144) Structural and functional studies of RK6, a mitotic kinesin and prime target for cancer therapy. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2017, Team Lacoste (ESPCI) Universal fluctuations of protein numbers and cell growth. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2017, Team Johannes (UMR3666/U1143) Global imaging of endocytic events. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2015-2016/2017, Team Silberzan (UMR168) Cellular and supracellular architectures: the many ways to expore the third dimension. |
Ajay Kumar
Postdoctoral fellow 2015-2016, Team Chavrier (UMR144)
Postdoctoral fellow 2015-2016, Team Farge (UMR168) Beta-catenin primary mechano-sensing in vivo. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2015-2016, Team Bassereau (UMR168) Effect of ABC transporter activity on their lateral diffusion and membrane curvature-induced redistribution. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2014-2015/2016, Team Raposo (UMR144) Revealing the physiology of exosome secretion in vivo by a 4D-imaging approach. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2014-2016, Team Joanny/Sens (UMR168) Statistical properties of migrating cells: implications of substrate viscoelasticity, adhesion and chemoattractant. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2014-2015, Team Goud (UMR144) Spatial mapping of intracellular viscoelastic properties on micropatterned substrates. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2014-2015, Team Dahan (UMR168) Magnetogenetic control of cell migration. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2014, Team Johannes (UM3666/U1143) Lipid Clustering and flow: role in sorting and scission. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2013-2014/2016, Team Raposo (UMR144)
Postdoctoral fellow 2013-2014, Team Janke (UMR3348) Measuring the impact of tubulin heterogeneity on the biophysical properties of the microtubule cytoskeleton using fission yeast and microfluidics. |
Postdoctoral fellow 2013-2014, Team Joanny/Sens (UMR168) Collective migration of cells on soft substrates: traction force field map. |